Captive sharks can reproduce rapidly asexually or through parthenogenesis. This allows the female to fertilize herself and give birth to her young, which keeps them alive despite all dangers. . This phenomenon is thought to have evolved over time. This is a situation in which females can live on their own without the assistance of males.


This lizard is one of the largest in the world, and can, despite it seeming surprising, reproduce sexually. Two female Komodo dragons lived in captivity at UK zoos. The discovery could offer hope to endangered Komodo dragon species, as only 4,000 exist worldwide.


Starfish is the main group of echinoderms. There are approximately 2,000 species living in the oceans. They can be found deep in the oceans in kelp forests and tropical coral reefs. Starfishes can be found in all kinds of marine animals.

Starfish can reproduce sexually or asexually. Fertilization takes place in water, and both men and women release their sperm into the surrounding environment. Fertile embryos form part of the zooplankton in most species. After settling to the bottom and becoming adults, the larvae undergo a metamorphosis. Some species cover their eggs with special baskets or place them on the ground.

Fragmentation, a method for sexual reproduction, allows a portion or a central disk to be removed from its “parent”, and is transformed into an individual starfish.


Cnemidophorus belongs to the Teiidae Family. This type of lizard is only for females. This type of lizard is often female.

Although it is not necessary to reproduce, simulated sex has been shown to increase fertility in lizards. This increases the number of eggs produced, and causes copulation.

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The female lizard will produce more eggs that the male one.

External fertilization is not necessary, but offspring can be made into clones. Recent research has shown that the New Mexico whitetail Lizard has twice the number of chromosomes as other types of lizards.


One other species of Python snakes is sexually reproducible. However, there have been cases where a female Python snake was able to lay eggs with a partner. A London Zoo Zoo saw an 11-year-old python laying 61 eggs by herself in 2012 without the assistance of a male. Sixteen of the 61 eggs laid were not healthy.


These crustaceans are asexual shrimp species that live in Florida and southern Georgia. They look like tusk-like shrimp.

Marbling crayfish is an invasive species that has colonized three countries and drastically altered the fauna. In many jurisdictions, different types of shrimp are subjected to regulation. In 2011, Missouri added marble crabs to its banned species list.

Marbled crabs can reproduce by sexual means using apomixis. This is a process normally reserved for plants. This allows organisms to create embryos without fertilization.


It is not clear how wasps reproduce sexually. Females may be able to create clones using the Wolbachia bacteria.


Echinoderms are marine invertebrates and are also known as sea urchins. They can reproduce sexually or asexually. The asexual method for reproduction in sea-urchins is called fragmentation. Fragmentation refers to the division of an animal’s body into multiple pieces. The two or more pieces can be reassembled to make individual animals.

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Ramphotyphlops Braminus is a species that measures less than 20cm in length and can reproduce via parthenogenesis, or fragmentation. The reproduction is asexual in all the specimens.


Sea anemones can reproduce both sexually and asexually. They can also reproduce by various methods of fission, which may result in the development of an ovule. After fertilization, the egg becomes a planula and then a sedentary poll.


Hydras are a cnidarian. Hydras can only be found in freshwater. Hydras come in many varieties. On average, it measures half an inch long.

They have a tubular shape and a head at one end and proximal feet at the other. This foot attaches to rocks or the bottom of plants.

Hydras reproduce sexually. Hydras reproduce asexually when they aren’t consumed in excess.

The first step in the asexual hydrola reproduction process is the beginning of the buds. The first signs of an outbreak will appear during this period. The new hydra’s mouth will grow and the tentacles will start to grow. After the separation has started, the hydra’s buds will be removed from their original counterparts.

Next is the detachment. This is the final stage of the hydra’s asexual reproduction cycle. A new hydra is born to the mother. The new hydra is usually 3/5 of the original size.


Water fleas reproduce sexually as well as asexually. Water fleas also have a parthenogenetic, cyclical life cycle that allows for heterogeneous reproduction. Asexual reproduction can be achieved by females through the production of diploid eggs that then turn into specific clones.

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Only females can reproduce in asexual cycles. This species can reproduce sexually only under certain conditions such as low food availability and extreme temperatures.

During sexual reproduction, males use their second antennae in order to cling onto females.