Remember the cat: Cats were rescued from beneath tube escalators

Remember the cat: Cats were rescued from beneath tube escalators

After seeing a stray cat with her kittens under new escalators at London Underground station, workers called in animal rescuers. We beneath tube escalators were contacted by a woman shortly before 5pm Wednesday 20 March after she saw the black and white cat, and four kittens, under the escalator at Moorgate Tube Station.

The cats are at risk in this dangerous area

Siobhan Trinnaman (our animal welfare officer) rushed to the aid of the feline family. She said:

I was called by a woman about a cat and her litter of kittens who were living under an escalator in the new Moorgate station. It is currently under construction. This is the area where the mechanism for the escalator runs, and it’s extremely dangerous for cats.

According to staff at the station, the escalator was scheduled to begin testing runs at 6pm. Therefore, I had to be there in a hurry to ensure that the cats were safe. They were worried that if the escalator was running, they would injure or kill them.

I quickly made my way over, but mum was gone. I found the four kittens and took them to safety. Then, I set a trap.

Relaxing in our hospital

Siobhan took the kittens, which were just a few weeks old, to Harmsworth Animal Hospital. She stated that:

They were tiny, but they had their eyes shut.

It was unsafe and dangerous for them, so I couldn’t leave them. I was also concerned for the mom, but thankfully I received a call just a few minutes later to tell me she was safe and sound. She went to collect her mother and was soon reunited with her kittens in our hospital.

Mum had a cut in her nose, was thin and had some other health issues.

The collar was on her, but she wasn’t microchipped. I put up a poster at station, but it’s unusual to find a cat living in this area.

I found out later that Moorgate’s station codes are MOG. Perhaps that’s why I shouldn’t be surprised that mum set up her home there!

Rehoming available if the owners have not been found

Staff at the hospital named the cat Elizabeth after Crossrail’s new line. The Underground-inspired names for the kittens – one boy and three girls – are Bow, Colin, Dale, Earl (after Bow Road/Colindale and Earl’s Court).

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